Most engagement programmes fail to deliver.

The main reason for this is that they are done as an afterthought, with engagement starting only after decisions have been made.  The object is often to ‘engage’ stakeholders to get their buy-in to the course of action management have already agreed on.

Engage and Deliver is designed to create real engagement by involving stakeholders early to harness their skills and insights in a collaborative process that creates outcomes that work for everyone.  We call this concept the "The Collaborative Edge."

The engagement process we use goes much deeper than mere consultation by creating a space for exploration and building a sense of a shared future.

The benefits of this are:

  • Stakeholders feel valued and respected
  • Holistic approach creates holistic outcomes
  • Everyone bought-in to the collective decision
  • Increased motivation and energy
  • Sense of ownership reduces subsequent management load


Engage and Deliver is  based on established principles of U Theory developed by MIT Sloan School of Management and proven in organisations including governments and global corporations including Alibaba, the world’s biggest online retailer.