Yesterday I had a delightful lunch with a good friend.  We talked in real depth about life and work, producing some amazing insights into what we do and why we do it.

UKLA has always focused on the core idea of "Results-Based Leader and Team Transformation."  It accurately describes what we do, but it doesn't actually get to the heart of it.

Profound Change

As we dug around we discvoered the central themes were really about profound change, connecting to your extraordinary self, and therefore achieving extraordinary results.

So my homework for today was to come up with a new heart-based positioning statement for UKLA, and this is it:

"Profound Change : Extraordinary Results"

And what's vitally important is that it's genuinely at the core of what we do.  It's not just words on a page designed to look good to a particular target market.  It's saying who and what we are, so we attract people who are drawn to us on an authentic level.  And perhaps also put off a few people, who wouldn't be the right fit for our ethos.

Action point: do you fully understand what you do and why you do it, on a deep level?  Take some time out to delve into it and connect to the heart of what makes you get up in the morning.

Enjoy the process of discovering your extraordinary self!